Prepaid debit cards are a very smart idea when it comes to doling out cash such as allowances or gifts. Think of it this way...debit cards act like a credit card, and leave a paper trail. What illegal acts are going to be accomplished where a recorded transaction is left? Who wants that?

The idea behind the prepaid debit card is simple; you store money on the card, and access the cash safely, securely and conveniently. The theory is simple, and the end result is what's desired. Your money is protected, you and your identity is secure and you still have the ability to not have to carry or give cash.

If anyone out there handles a business online or offline, keep a debit card in mind. Since you can control the balance, and the balance can't be exceeded, these prepaid cards are convenient to pay for services without risk of overcharging or overindulging.

Hope that helps.

You can find a good list of prepaid debit cards from
