You are right, Vicki - that is what happens, I think the statistics are that at the time they leave college most early 20 year olds have at least 2 credit cards with over $1000 debt on one or more and no job.

Remember when our older kids were young and it was "just write a check for it?" (without regard if there was money in the bank to cover the check)

Well, the mentality is still there - it is just now - "just use your card, Mommy" (quote from my 6 year old when she wanted a toy at Walmart) My response, "Just use your cash you have saved, Kayleigh." "Well, I forgot it." "Well, guess you'll remember to bring it next time." "Well, I don't want to use MY money, but You can get it for me with your money." ha! =)

(Had to give her an "A" for effort on that one.)