
About 14 people have read the book and written positive reviews. The book is on total hip replacement, therefore, it is not a book that will appeal to everyone. It is for people who are preparing for joint surgery.

My friends and acquaintances have already read it. Whenever someone writes to me out of the blue after having read my book or my blog, and they say something nice about it, I ask if they would mind posting a small paragraph on Amazon. They've done that. I've pretty much run out of people to ask! That's why I was thinking of posting my own reply but it would have to be in the "review" section.

I'm just worried that posting my own reply would make matters worse -- can't help but thinking about John Grisham or Mary Higgins Clark. For sure, neither one of them would consider rebutting a review of one of their own books!


The person wasn't rude or inappropriate, so I don't think it would be proper of me to write to Amazon. The person simply didn't get what I was trying to say in my book and ended up blaming me for having a difficult surgical recovery. I wanted to refute what she'd said but I'm not sure if I'll draw more attention to myself by doing so.

Thanks everybody :-)