here are a few restrictions we put on our teenage drivers:

1. no driving after dark
2. no other passengers
3. do not use the interstate
4. "bad" neighborhoods were to be avoided

we had a certain period of time for each of these things. Then after successful completion of each point, we then added other restrictions like

1. driving only until 9 pm
2. 1 passenger
3. interstate only during "off peak" hours
4. always avoid bad neighborhoods, no matter how much of a short cut it was

Of course the driver had to always ask permission to use the vehicle, it wasn't there for his/her own personal enjoyment

Any and all gasoline used was replaced or they couldn't use the car the next time they wanted it

Those are just some of what I can remember right now. It's been quite a while since we've had new drivers in the house.

Oh, one thing I do remember is we had a safety driver contract. We listed all the safety rules for driving, what to do in case the car broke down, what to do in case of an accident, our restrictions and such. We had the new driver sign it. It also indicated what would happen if any of the restrictions were not followed.