I am so awed by the tremendouse response to this magazine. And you girls are great writers!

Please spread the word to any other Christian ladies who write.

We are also going to start, very soon, a Highlighting the Service (or something of that nature), a column about the quiet people who serve God and others. Sort of an interview thing.

I would like to encourage and ask [Smile] for any of you whose Church as a website to consider asking for a link exchange. SIL will link to the Church, and the Church will link to SIL.

Then - we have some interactive things coming up, such as - nominate someone to be interviewed for Highlights; Share Jesus - tips on how to share your faith without being pushy, obnoxious, in your face, etc.

We also are starting a S.M.I.L.E.S. for Jesus, a department in tribute and in service to single mothers.

Keep it coming, everyone!