JawJaw and Pamela, you're words are so encouraging. Thank you!

I've been thinking all along that this novel would be my "breakout" novel. I've written 2 others that have been published, but not with as much excitement and such glowing advanced reviews as NOT WITHOUT ANNA.

I'm working on my 5th novel and doing final edits on my 4th. I love to write and am eager to get this next one finished, as it is going to be a wonderful comedy about a female alligator trapper.

A box came via UPS yesterday and my husband thought it was for him as he misread the return address label. He assumed it said "Lighting Source" because he's expecting lights for his aquarium. It actually said "Lightning Source" which is the printer my publisher uses. They were my advanced final copies. These were the paperbacks, the hardcovers are still on their way.

It was so thrilling and beyond expression to open that box and see my book. NOT WITHOUT ANNA has such a deep emotional link to me and my daughter, Michelle. I even dedicated the book to her. She was one who got me on the idea of a teenage girl with a secret life. Michelle was on that same road and fortunately, I caught on before it went too far and intervened.. not so, like the mother character in my book, she didn't realize what was happening until her daughter died.

It's a story that really hits close to home and I was so glad to be able to tell it.. for the sake of all parents and grandparents.

If you're interested in purchasing a copy, my publisher has it marked down right now for the first month of its release. You can find it at www.mundania.com

If you like it, I'd love to hear about it! :-)

[ February 12, 2004, 10:49 AM: Message edited by: Vicki M. Taylor ]