Thanks for the encouragement and support ladies!

Dotsie - I have printed out your "Dotsie's Hints for Public Speaking" ( [Wink] ) because they are BOTH important to remember.

Vicki - yes indeed this is a great for your question on marketing - because this is a small publisher I will indeed be doing a lion's share of that myself. They represent their clients at book fairs around the country BUT local and area stuff is up to me. My publisher will send a rep to a book-signing/reading so I'll have someone "holding my hand" (haha) once in a while.

If you have any suggestions, I'd be really grateful to hear them.....I've already contacted Barnes & Noble and plan to hit the local bookstores to shake hands, pass out business cards....!!

Thanks again everyone for the comments and of the nicest things about Dotsie's site here is the genuine SHARING and CARING. [Wink]
