A bit of an "update" on my book status - just had to share this because I'm so excited (those of you who have had books published and find this whole thing "ho hum" please forgive me!!!!!).....ANYWAY I had an email from my publisher this evening to let me know:

1. they have a cover designed for my book BUT will still use my oil painting (which I submitted as a possible cover) on the inside jacket.
2. the proofs will be sent to me by the end of this month.
3. ARCs will go out right away (Advanced Reader Copies).
4. I will have either a Spring (April/May) release or Fall (August/September)......

Now - any of you ladies who have had to decide this Spring vs. Fall issue - any recommendations? I know they are both prime times for releases...... [Confused]

I can't believe this is finally going to happen. WOW.......OK - I'll calm down now! [Razz]
