Dotsie -- saw your post about having an article to submit on adoption and was wondering at that. Are you an adoptive mom? We have an adopted daughter and are looking into more -- maybe from Kazakhstan. What is your article about?

As for sending submissions, I, too, sent out a bunch last week and the week before (I go in rounds -- marketing minded or creative minded -- I rarely write and market simultaneously). The "what" I sent out was some queries for my "Bedtime Stories for Reluctant Grown-Ups" and some poetry and other short stories.

I belong to IWWG and I often send to martkets and contests posted in the back of their newsletter, Network.

Anyway, I doubt I'll celebrate on the 15th by sending out more submissions but tell ya what -- any rejections I get on that day I'll frame! Okay?

I already received the first ones (they don't waste time!) but I'm sure more are a-comin'.