I got started on my wardrobe this weekend - getting rid of clothes I will never wear again. Then a migraine put an end my efforts - still have to tackle an overstuffed underwear drawer.

With Christmas looming I am wondering how to downsize my daughter's toy collection - as the youngest in the extended family she is always being given pre-loved toys when other people have a clearout! I already have a couple of full bags of toys I put away that she hasn't missed, ready to go.

I'm trying to limit what Santa delivers this year but "Daddy" loves finding Christmas bargains [Eek!]

I confess that I have a really useless thing hanging in my garage - an old leather coat of my fathers that dates from about 1945? I just couldn't let it be thrown away, even tho it not really wearable. I also have the tails my great grandfather wore at my grandmothers wedding. No wonder my house is so cluttered.