If we are talking about enjoyable hobbies, I have many. Unfortunately I haven't been able to do alot of them for the past 6 since I developed Chronic Fatigue Syndrome(CFS) and Fibromyalgia. I love to watch sports, TV and in person as well as on the radio, baseball, football, and college basketball, GO DUKE! My son plays the trombone in the pep band. I love to garden! Hard when I ache or have little energy. I love to read, especially romance novels. I also love to do picture puzzles, there are some that are "Impossibles" and the last one was 2000 pieces. I love to play cards but find it hard to find others to play with. I love to bake and cook, but not for myself. I also love to do things with friends, but don't do often as alot have gone to work full time again, and by evening I am ready to bed, and on weekends most are busy with their families. I alos love the outdoors, sailing, boating, biking, walking, rollerblading, etc. One of my favorite summer pasttimes is to listen to an O's game while lying in a hammock reading a romance novel. Oh to be there now, I will dream. All those who love horses, I used to go to our "country cousins" while growing up and ride there. They lived in Howard Co. which at that time was in the country, now it is housing developments along rt 29. I miss that. I loved to ride. Haven't done that for 20-40 years, that makes me old. Instead I get to walk my dog.