Ms. J,
Now, you talking my language. I couldn't agree with you more. I have sold/bought/collected/ or given away for gifts antiques all my life. I have loved old things and "junk" since I was able to walk and talk. Put me in a trash to treasures store and I will die a happy woman. Take a bowling pin and make a lamp. Take an old worn out quilt with holes in it and make throw pillows. Right now I have a quilt on my ANTIQUE table in the kitchen and it is my tablecloth. My bed is a high back antique oak bed. My dresser, the same. My son's room has the bed that my Mother was born in. The table in my kitchen came from Oklahoma with my grandmother when OK was indian territory. It came here to ALA in a covered wagon. She died last year at the age of 98. I have her oversized rocker in my living room. My house is full of junk/treasures. I also have some, not many, salesman samples. Just last week while I was at the Salvation Army donating clothes, a man drove up with a DOLLHOUSE he had made for his daughter and I talked him out of it. She is in her twenties you can imagine. It is precious. Now I get to decorate it and a friend is painting an outside screen around the house....gawd I love this stuff! I wouldn't trade anything in here for new stuff EVER! I think I lived another life possibly in the 1800's or something. I love that stuff. Strong message to follow...hehehe