I volunteered a lot in Canada. So much that I was Citizen of the Year, one year. I loved all I did. It included WISE (Women in successful employment) Women's Shelter, Motivational Speaker on women's issues. Ambulance, Heritage, Town Councillor, Recreation Director, Events Co-ordinator and Student Job services. I volunteer wrote proposals to the Provincial and Federal Governments and was never refused funding...I believed in networking before it was a common word.
These days, I continue to find people. I found someone last week. I reunited a man and his daughter a year ago. I usually do it when the occassion arises. If I am in conversation with new people and mention why I am in the USA(found my Dad) it brings up that there's someone on their missing list.
Saying NO is difficult for most volunteer minded people. There were nights when I attended 2 functions/ meetings back to back.
I firmly believe in volunteer-ring. I got burnt out and moved away from it after my Mom passed.When I am settled in Tennessee, I will be doing it again - in full force.
Thanks for the topic. It was fun. My best to all who volunteer their time to worthy causes.