I only bake meat dishes...um maybe 2-3 times --annually.

REst of the time I deal with meat (1-2 times per wk. we eat meat) in other ways. For chicken breast I would:

stir fry
or cook it in rice itself: cut chicken up into small pieces, marinate in a bit of soy sauce, oil for 1/2 hr. or less. Then if you are using an electric rice cooker for cooking rice, when rice starts to boil, you throw in meat. Bury it in the rice and let it cook within the rice. Yes, no babysitting the cooking meat or nothing.

It's a home style Chinese cooking method of sliced beef or chicken.

I also steam chicken meat, another home style Chinese cooking method where the meat has a tiny bit of soy sauce and oil. And little enamel or dish that is placed in 1 inch of water or so. Steam cooks the meat.

I thank my ...mother from teaching us decades ago. Some of these dishes are actually comfort food to me.

THese are hassle-free methods. THey had to be....she raised 6 children.
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