My husband and I are usually out on the weekends, and I found myself noticing something, over the past one...I began taking note of how many folks our age, (I'm 55, hubby is 60) I saw out and about. I set my mind to the task, to the point of taking quick peeks into vehicles at stoplights. Saturday we did a couple of malls, hitting the sales, had lunch and dinner out, took in a movie, didn't arrive home until after eleven p.m. What I found that made an impression on me, was there just weren't that many mature people amongst the crowds in the public places we visited.

This past weekend was not the first time I had noticed this phenomenon. It's something I've been made aware of on numerous occasions.

I'm beginning to wonder if becoming overly reclusive might not be something that we need consciously monitor, as we age. Becoming housebound, living somewhat detached from the world at large, I would think, could become detrimental to our well being. I'm fully aware that we do, we will, slow down, as we accumulate the years, and many of us will experience health and physical problems that will limit our excursions. I think it's exactly because of this fact, that I would urge mature folks to get out there, while the getting is good!
Jeannine Schenewerk

[i]'It's never too late in Fiction-- or in Life to Revise.'
---Nancy Thayer