I don't know if reclusiveness comes with age or not, but I know that I too have grown to prefer my solitude. I used to be very active at work, volunteer activities, church groups and some social events. Now I'm not involved in anything at all. I think there's a balance somewhere in the middle, but the reality right now is that I'm happy where I'm at so I feel no need to explore outside of myself for that balance!

Which is really nice to be able to say. Because when I first arrived on this site, I was intolerably lonely and dangerously reclusive. I was housebound by a combination of depression, anxiety, panic attacks, chronic fatigue and complete lack of social motivation. NOW, a year and a half later, I'm still in my house, still not getting out much, but now it's my choice, not made out of fear or despair, but out of enjoyment of my solitude and lifestyle. Now I CAN go out when I want to, and go anywhere I want to, and I do...but my preference is still to stay home and putter around doing housework, baking, and most of all, chatting here.

This place has made such an enormous difference in my life. It has helped me literally spread my wings and fly - only to find that the place I most want to be is right here in my own home where I've been all this time. Only now, I'm nesting and roosting instead of withering and cowering. I like that difference!
When you don't like a thing, change it.
If you can't change it, change the way you think about it.

(Maya Angelou)