I’ve never had (or thought I had) to question Honey’s honesty. I mean when he would talk about things which were unconceivable but he never, for lack of a better word, lied. Now he is telling me one thing & his social worker & doctors something else & then another variation to family. He just doesn’t tell me or want to discuss his day. Nothing about his meds, counseling, nothing. I know that sometimes the meds will make you forgetful but this just seems different.
How long did it take for you/spouse/child to understand or admit you were bipolar? He has been inpatient for 3 weeks now & he hasn’t changed. I am so worried that he will have to hit bottom hard before he will accept his illness.
I just miss him soooooooo much! I cry every time I let my guard down. If I stay busy enough, I don’t have time to feel. I don’t dare go to bed until I am stumbling tired. I just want to be able to lie down & go right to sleep. I miss his being there. I don’t think he has any idea how bad my heart breaks every time I come home to this empty house. I feel for him & he having to be in a hospital but I wonder if he thinks of how I am doing. Does that sound selfish? I don’t want to sound like “woe’s me.”