I just wanted to give you a bit of an update, and I wish I would have seen that last post before I did.

We took him to the hospital today, but it didn't quite work out the way we planned. He was unwilling to admit anything and wouldn't even allow my husband in the room with him. My brother in law just said that he wanted a blood test and "didn't know why he was there"...which upset my husband. After an exhausting trip, they came home and my husband was fuming. He called his mother to ask for advice, she said that he needed to be back on the meds, which he had with him. So, we told him this, and he refused to take pills, because one of his delusions was that the pills were going to kill him. Well, my husband finally convinced him to take them, after going online with him for 2 hours and doing research, and agreeing to take one of his pills with him.

So, at this point, we are up against a wall, with time running out. I'm scared, and I'm scared for my children, and I'm afraid that if I say this, if I tell my husband that I can't live here with him that it will just add more burden to this already burdening situation. I'm close to the point where I just want to go stay with my parents until he leaves, is that too harsh? Should I be taking these drastic measures?

If he refuses to be treated for this by an actual doctor, what choice do we have? Do we have to stage some sort of intervention or just kick him out? Should we wash our hands of him, or get the state to take him....it's just a no win situation for any of us.

My husband assures me he isn't violent, how does he know for sure? He doesn't know what's going on in his head, and it just terrifies me at night to go to bed, all the scary senario's run through my head.

I'm sorry this is so long, I'm just so frustrated and lost right now, I feel like I'm in the middle of this whole situation, because my husband wants to treat him with kid gloves and I just want him gone...I guess I'm the bad guy here (a title I'd wear proudly at this point).

Thanks for letting me rant...I'm going to talk to my husband again in the morning and hopefully get some clarity.
