Good one kidogo and thanks for being here.

SuzieQ, I'm glad you do find this particular forum a good place to be. How are you today?

I've signed up on Stigmabusters and ready to do battle for all the wonderful people who suffer not only the pain of depression but the ignorance of insensitive people as well. I think it can be hard to recover and heal from depression when many around you seem to sabotage your efforts at helping yourself.

SuzieQ, I can see from what you are telling us that you've made a tremendous amount of progress towards your goal of feeling well again. I must admit that out of many people I know with depression you're putting a good deal of effort into healing yourself. You really do know what it takes to get better. I admire you for it. You are not simply putting your healing in the hands of others but taking an active part in making it happen for yourself. I think you will succeed and go on to helping others recover as well. No one does this better than one who has been there herself. This is true in any situation.