suzieq, I am back! I thought about you a lot today as I was freeing myself from my own dark thoughts which I do get from time to time.

I really got angry reading what your doctor said and the asumptions other ones had about you. I guess all of us posting on this website need psychiatrict care according to his assessment. Doctors aren't God and cannot and donot know everything. Each of us is an individual. Frankly, we could all do without doctors like the ones you've described.
I think writing your story or writing in a journal is very therapuetic.
He's even labeled you by saying "you people." You're not a leper to me. Please throw this doctors advice and words right in the garbage where they belong.
You will get better day by day. If it's a nice day where you are now take a walk outside and really take notice of everything around you. Sometimes a walk may help release endorphins which can make you feel a bit better. I know we're all different and what works for one doesnot work for all but I do know it feels good to be outside walking.
Please let me know how you are feeling today. I want to hear from you.

[ January 19, 2006, 04:34 PM: Message edited by: ladybug ]