Daisygirl, you live by the same rule as I do. I never, ever, date anyone who has been divorced less than a year. Before I realized that they (the ones under a year) were simply looking for a replacement, I did and found out really quick that the emotional baggage left behind, whether their fault or the spouses, needed time to heal and they weren't prepared or even wanted a new, budding, and healthy relationship. They simply wanted a replacement, fast. If you dated them several times, they were immediately ready to move it to the next level. Whoa Nellie! Not so fast partner (pun was NOT intended)...

I also agree with Dotsie's comments that men AND women have been thrust into a different mold and roles since the baby boomers have become of age because the choices are soooo diverse in this generation. Not what your Mamma and Daddy had. There are so many more ways to do things, and this means growing in different ways and re-learing or breaking the "molds" from our childhood.