When I was a child, I counted everything, typed on invisible typewriters in high school, and still wake up sometimes with a song running through my head I can't get rid of. I think those early problems were just a preamble to the emotional problems I've had as an adult. I'm on medication for panic/anxiety disorder and depression, I also have a wonderful therapist.

This is fall, the first of September always hits me and SAD begins to creep into my life. Stress level affects all of the above in my life, and right now due to loss of Dr, no prescriptions can be refilled, grandkids, well, there's a list right now. I'm just trying to get through each one as they come. I will probably call and make another appointment with my therapist.

Can a medical Dr office throw you out of the practice because of a bill that I thought was taken care of, and got sent to collections, (less than $25) ? That happened almost 3 years ago and now they're refusing to see me because of that. I owe them absolutely nothing, haven't for all that time, took care of the collections thing as soon as I found it out, and they've been treating me all this time. Suddenly, I call for my husband and they say it was his bill and because he's my husband they won't see me anymore either. This has nearly freaked me out. Especially since prescriptions were all cancelled and I only have enough for 3 weeks.

Sorry, monopolizing the thread again, I'm sorry.
