Please do NOT balk at taking meds to fight your depression...and you know all of the reasons because you have listed them all quite succinctly in your post...you are a very intelligent woman...and so you know that "willpower" can't heal your depression...in my opinion, antidepressants are like the other "miracle" drugs that we have seen come on the market in our lifetime...Antibiotics..Vaccines, Anti statins...medications taken to prolong and enhance our lives...I feel so fortunate that my doctor recognized my depression for what it was and prescribed an antidepressant for me...and after I realized the great results I feel no hesitation in singing the praises of the antidepressant drug to anyone who might benefit from taking them too.Shame? never..Relief?yes...huge relief...I hope you feel that same way soon Dear Friend...listen to your heart...and let your doctor figure out the rest...and please...never leave us...we need you here with us as much as you say you need to be here...

Dotsie...I am so glad you found relief after your terrible car accident...and I am so happy to know that you haven't been depressed since then...