I've read elsewhere (but forgot exactly where, sorry) that Effexor has the shortest half-life of any of the antidepressants, which is why some people get migraines if you don't take it at the same time every day. I used to get shaky, like I was over caffeinated if I was late in taking my dose. Interesting also, none of the SSRI antidepressants have been tested for use over a yaar, only for short term.
I think my depression is due more to having a chronic illness (I suffered from Lyme disease for 5 yrs, plus spinal problems), situational issues (divorce, child custody issues, poverty) than a chemical imbalance. I rarely feel depressed, unless it's a bad pain day for me and not being able to do things I want makes me depressed and guilty. Anxiety is my major problem and I'm come to believe there is no drug solution for that. Good luck with your guilty feelings Coffee Mom, but go easy on yourself. We're not all Wonder Woman! I think a lot of women's guilt comes from what I call Donna Reed Syndrome, somewhere back in our minds we think we have to do it all and do it perfectly.

Bear in mind, you never know the effect you have on other people. Even if you didn't get to polish the silver (or whatever project) that day, you might have made a remark or done one small thing that changed one person's life for the better forever! Little things mean a lot!
