Lynn, the diet change has really helped my daughter, especially. When tests came back that showed that she was hypoglycemic and that she came back highly allergic to many foods, including oranges it was a like a lightbulb moment for our family. Kayleigh has always been a little more energetic than most children, but when she consumes anything with oranges/citric she is jittery, loopy, can't focus, irritable and just literally bouncing off the walls. For the longest time I could not understand why Kayleigh kept having "cold-like" symptoms when every morning I would make her drink a glass of orange juice, take vitamins with EXTRA vitamin c (from citric source) and also her toothpaste was mint (she is also allergic to this). I basically sent my child off to preschool each day loaded up with things that her body considered "toxic" and I had no clue that these foods were doing this to her.

It really opened my eyes at the time to other children of friends who had been diagnosed as ADHD/ADD. I recommended to their moms to have their allergies tested and sure enough ALL of the children had severe food allergies to at least one if not more types of food that they were consistently eating and over 1/2 of the children tested positive for hypoglycemia, electrolyte/salt imbalances and more. I think science has a lot of explaining to do instead of medicating our children.

JMO - fortunately for us now, if Kayleigh begins to exhibit some of the symptoms that she did before we are very near to the Block Center which is ran by Dr. Mary Ann Block, a pioneer in treating children who have been misdiagnosed with ADHD/ADD and given Ritalin.