Yes jj, it sure does. I am overwhelmed by the compassion I see and feel here.

Dotsie, thank you for letting me know about chatty. I am using tough love. And it is tough on me too. He is the one who has chosen this. Not me. But if that's what he wants, I am not going to keep trying to coax him back into our lives. One day, he will see that we love him. I am praying that anyway.

Lynn, Lionspaw, Eagle Heart, thank you all for caring and the prayers.

I will be busy the rest of the week, as we are having our annual family picnic on Saturday. I invited my son and his wife, but I know they won't show up. There will be about 70 people, so I have to get busy. Lots of work to get ready. We have 5 acres, so there's plenty of room for the grandkids to play. I just pray it does not rain!

Oh, and we just had grandchild number 19 today! Sidney Elizabeth was born at 2:30 PM, weighing 8# 7 ozs, and 20 inches long! So I have many blessings to be thankful for!

Thanks again for all your caring and compassion. I will talk to you all on Monday.
