First let me explain about my bi-polar at this stage in my life. I do not take medication. When I did, I almost died from a suicide attempt. I now try to control it with prayer and meditation and my writing. Most times it works, but sometimes it doesn't. This morning was just one of those bad times. I think I have been working too hard. That doesn't help. When I'm manic, I go 100 MPH until I crash, then I am so tired, I get depressed. I am just going to have to try slowing down when I get like that.

JawJaw, Diane, Dotsie and Chatty lady, thank you all for your kind words. Sometimes, just a reply that you are listening helps.

And Diane, there are no ignorant questions.

I'll try to join in more when I can. Please know that I think you are all a great bunch of women! Thank you all.