Suzie, I'm not so famous, and I published a book about surviving sexual assault, including incest, domestic violence, depression, the schizophrenia and alcoholism of my father, the PTSD of my step father, my own PTSD, etc, etc. etc. My book is well-written, if I dare say so myself. I achieved publication by using Print-on-Demand because I had breast cancer, and I wanted to make sure I got published before, well, if, I died. I was tired of waiting for traditional publishers to take notice. Even the Chicken Soup for the Soul series started off as self published. So did the books by Julia Cameron that I mentioned above. You know Dennis Rodman? The basketball player? I mean really, he gets a book published! Publishers are all about the bottom line of making a buck. Celebrity sells. There are a few ethical and conscientious publishers out there that are willing to take a risk on a much needed topic. If you have something to say that will benefit yourself and others, just write. And read. Read what others have written on the same topics as yours. I read others' memoirs all the time. I don't compare, I just want to see what is out there. I'm sorry you have had to experience more than your share of trials and tribulations. It is not fair! What the public would want to hear is how you survived, what you learned, and what lessons they can take away. Love and Light, Lynn

[ November 16, 2005, 09:46 PM: Message edited by: Lynnie ]