Hear! Hear!

I love that Swimbo...

Just out of curiousity...have any of you ever heard of Lorrainne Day? She wrote the book "You Can't Improve on God." She also offers a video which has a title of "Cancer Doesn't Scare Me Anymore." This woman says three things makes us ill/overweight, etc...


I watched her hour long program. She is a medical doctor and use to have cancer. She changed her diet and it went away. This according to her now so don't be jumping on me...I'm just asking if any of you know anything about what she says? Here is her website


The very next program was about a man who wrote the book, "Natural Cures They Don't Want You to Know About." It is about how the pharmacy companies and insurance companies run this world and dictate what the doc's give us AND what laws are passed, etc. He says there are lobbyist right now that are lobbying for additives to be OKAY (FDA approved) which can be added to the foods we eat to make us ADDICTED to the food. Probably already in Oreo's....He says that the reason we are hearing so much more about cancer/depression, etc...etc... today is that doctors don't FIX anything....they just give you a drug to take which compounds things. He says that there are natural cures for every disease known to man. here's his link.


I haven't checked out either website, just thought I'd post them in case someone else wanted to. To me, alot of what they are saying rings true...I mean, have you noticed the children who at a younger age have breast? Just for an example? Did you know that vinegar could CURE acid reflux? Anyway...this is worth checking out. I do beieve them both when they say the FDA is dangerous and out for the almight dollar, period.