I totally agree that people with a true need for anti-depressants or anti-psychotcs should take the meds -- especially when it runs in the family.
No matter what the physical problems were due to Robert taking the anti-psycholtics -- the good that came from them definately out way'd the bad from taking them. Unfortunatly, so many doctors put kids on these meds that really dont need to be on them -- and before they realize it -- they don't know how to deal without them.

I'm really glad to hear your daughter is doing so well in school -- high school can be such a demanding time in our life -- but if she's doing that well NOW I can imagine she's going to be quite a success in later life !!

Like I said in the first post -- I'm just playing "devils advocate" -- my husband is diabetic and takes necessary meds -- he gets his liver checked every 3 months. I take estrogen -- I'm not happy about the negatives I've heard about -- but I don't really have any choice -- but none of those meds are anywhere near as "potent", shall we say, as the meds effecting the chemical balance of the mind and I just want you ladies to be aware of the dangers the doctors rarely tell you about.

And there are lots of people, like me, that have mental obstacles to overcome that don't have meds out there to help -- so please understand I'm not coming from the stand of an "outsider" looking in and judging -- I'm just looking out for my fellow forum-ers [Smile]