Misfire - I wanted to address your daughter

I hope for her sake (and yours) that her "problem" turns out to be a raging hormonal teenage "thing" and in a few years from now she will be fine -- and I dont know anything about her so I may be out in left field here -- but now that she's feeling better -- perhaps you could get her involved in something to boost her self esteem

perhaps volunteering at an animal shelter or your local library or hospital -- something that will make her feel good about herself and feel like she's doing something productive

i say volunteering -- and away from school -- because a paying job is pressure and high school peer pressure is tooooo stressful also

the reasoning on this is to give her another way of "feeling good" (as things level out for her) than depending on a pill to feel good

i'd just hate to have her find, in 20 yrs from now, that medicine has totally taken over her life and caused all sorts of medical conditions

and that way -- perhaps -- you and your husband can come to a mutual agreement on your daughters mental health [Big Grin]