PLEASE !! I dont mean this as a scare tactic -- just playing the "devils advocate" and hoping no one ever has to find out the hard way how a drug dealing with the brain can effect you

I have lived both sides of the story on anti-psychotics -- my son had schizophrenia for 5 yrs.

Risperdol turned him into a walking zombie -- but at least he wasnt violent anymore

Zyprexia gave me back my son - with the exception of the voices not being controlled and most of his artistic ability being lost - he had his humor back and he could read a book or watch tv and carry on a conversation with you

Within 12 hours of starting Seroquil he was believing the blair witch was chasing him around the house trying to kill him. The only time she wouldn't attack him is if I was in the room with him -- so for 48 hrs - long enough to get that drug out of his system and back on the Zyprexia -- I never left his side.

and then we switched him to Geodon --

3 weeks later he put a gun to his head and ended the battle

his doctor said -- when we called and told her -- oh yea -- patients sometimes do that when they start to feel better and realize how bad their situation is -- i mean HELLLLLLOOOOOO -- couldnt anyone bother to WARN US !!

Please be careful everyone -- drugs are great for getting us back on track -- and some have to be taken forever -- just dont let your guard down --

anti-psychotics are nothing to play around with - they are STRONG mind affecting drugs that help balance the chemical inbalances in our brain - but they need to be monitored VERY carefully -- and gotten OFF as quickly as medically possible - they also can damage your liver so make sure you get blood work done if your doctor suggests that

I am soooooooo happy for you that have had great relief from the mood swings and depression and other life altering situations ---- and I'm truly not saying not to take these meds ---- especially since it sounds like most of you are on anti-depressants instead of anti-psychotics -- but they are all heavy duty drugs

I just care about you one and all and want to make sure you are taking care of yourself and your loved ones [Smile]