
Your life will become what it needs to be.

I know that might sound spacey, but that's what I believe. We can't always see what's coming though.

I myself never had any problems becoming pregnant. Did it 4 times, whenever I tried.

The first three were miscarriages. The fourth was a tubal pregnancy that came within 1/4" of killing me. When I was told that there was a 20% chance of dying the next time I got pregnant, I did the math and religiously used birth control forever after (until I hit menopause.)

I always wanted a little girl, in part so I could raise her the way I wish I was raised. After the tubal, I figured: it was not meant to be. If I was supposed to have a child, one of the pregnancies would've stuck.

If you're "meant" to have a child, you will. If not, then not. And if you want, you can always adopt. But no matter what, do not feel guilty about other people's expectations.