I love all of you and want to share that my husband and I went through 4 years of infertility. We adopted 2 children, and while waiting for the second to arrive from Korea...I got pregnant. I UNDERSTAND the ups and downs of not getting pregnant. My sister had three children very quickly(at least that's how I remember it) while I was trying for one! I did all the baby showers, hospital visits of family and friends while wondering what was wrong with me. [Frown]

Once after husband insemination (done at the doctor's office...lovely!) I was 10 days late and just knew I was pregnant. NOT! That's when we started looking into adoption. Nine months later (I kid you not) our first little guy from Korea arrived at the airport amidst tears, laughter, and loved ones.

I truly believe this was God's plan for my family. I don't want to have to apologize for mentioning Him, but it's what I know in my heart.

However, I must share that at the beginning of infertility I was not in the same place spiritually as I currently am. It's been a journey. [Big Grin] It's quite true that the "God thing" was not happening for me in the early infertility years. I was somewhere else in my faith. I know He used my infertility, the suicidal death of a dear friend, and a health issue to draw me closer. I'm forever grateful.

Though everyone in here may not have the same faith (which makes me happy) I believe with all my heart that we need to express the faith that we do have to plant seeds and educate one another on the differing religions of the world. Who are we without one another? An island?