Claire - I can sure relate to what you are saying. I know I'm new to this circle of friends but I admit upon reading some of the posts there is a lot of referral to God.I'm glad so many of you have your faith. Claire, I've been in your shoes. It's hard when you are trying to find you way and somehow nothing feels right. My husband and I tried for 15 years and still have no children together. I do however have a grown daughter and a son who has passed away (both children from a previous marriage). I guess I can see both sides of the fence. I hope you can find some comfort when I say I'be skipped my fair of family get togethers to avoid the "looks". I've endured the little digs about when am I going to make my husband a father. I've eventually found a bit of peace in the knowledge that I've tried everything I can. It's just not happening and at this point in my life it probably won't and that's ok. It took a long time to get to that place but finally I found it. It's what's right for me, it may not be what's right for you but you will find your own way. You are not ordinary, you are you. From what I've read in your posts you are a very funny, articulate and intelligent woman. I'm glad I've had the opportunity to meet you in this forum. Hang in there girl, sometimes the people we're closest to just don't understand what's going on inside us but just know there is always someone else who does.