Thanks Meredith and Sharon, Fifth time?? I MUST be "obsessing" (I didn't write my novel on that topic for nothin'!). I've done this first date thing dozens of time since starting the internet dating. But this one seems super special. The kind of man you would never expect to find online. Or if you do, he would already be well taken. Yeah, "baited breath", where in the world did that come from? I just found out! And it's originally "bated". Go to:

So I try not to fantasize ahead of time. Or even think too much about it at all. I've had the experience before of the person evaporating before the scheduled "meet". This dating thing at this age ain't for sissies.

And thanks for getting up in the middle of the night (or staying up?) to respond. You're better women than me, Gunga Din(s). Karen