Let's all go back and re-read the mission statement and regroup. We all have emotional fallout from time to time, and that's okay. Its who we are. We love each other, warts and all. And trust me, we ALL have warts.

But please, if you feel something here, or read something that is causing you pain, please say so, just as Chatty has done.

We cannot read your minds and we truly DO want everyone here to feel welcome, loved, and empowered by this site.

What we don't want to happen is for so much bickering and fighting to go on that:

1) Other people are turned off from joining
2) Dotsie sees her original mission of a place for women to gather, heal, and connect not worth the effort or,
3) For someone coming here needing friends, comforting, and understanding only to go away feeling even more unloved.

You don't have to post everyday. There are NO rules on when to post. You DON'T have to answer every post. There are NO rules on the number of responses you must provide.

What you SHOULD do, is post when you feel the need, answer when you have something constructive to offer, and help when you can provide a much needed answer.

Guilt has no place here. Some people have jobs, some people have family demands, and others just have nothing to contribute. Its just the way it is. It doesn't mean anything and we need to stop trying to read something into it.

Do what you can, when you want to, and know you are valuable to this forum and to each other.

And if you start trouble, if you want a good argument, or fight...check out a children's forum, cause we don't need or want you here.

And that is wayyyyyy more than I should or wanted to say.


Now...where's my Oreo's.