So you're straight shooting, tell it like it is, cut to the chase type of person? big deal. It's refreshing, it's honest. I haven't read any posts of yours where I felt you were deliberately attacking someone, or just being plain nasty or a troublemaker [Smile] You have an opinion, a voice - you give it. And you respond lots to other people on the board, and seem to really care about them.

I may not always agree with everything said, but thats OK - I don't have to. You don't have to agree with me either.

This is such a busy website, always something being posted and talked about and posts get buried easily too. I don't get on here much and sometimes I just read posts and don't respond - either because its already been said and I don't have anything to add, or I just don't know what to say. There's lots I don't read either.....

I'm sorry if you were feeling ignored or lonely Chatty - I don't believe it was intentional. You seem to be such an outgoing, dynamic personality maybe we take that for granted [Smile]

I admire you - for willingness to tell it like it is or how you see it, for willingness to bring up issues, for willingness to deal with them.