You asked if anyone else was doing anything about the threats and I know I'm not. I pretty much agree with your tactics. After having been thru chemical defense warfare training - I for one - am not doing anything either. And I live near the base here where my husband works. I'm buying no plastic, duct tape, etc.

[Smile] Now if I still had my gas mask and chem suit I might just dust them off and hang them in the closet, but I really believe it wouldn't make much difference. I took more precautions for hurricanes when I lived in Florida and for blizzards when I lived in Germany.

[Frown] Maybe I'm a fatalist at heart when it comes to the ugliness and cruelty that man imposes on man. Not to say that prayer and faith don't have a place because they definitely do and I'm the first one to say I believe in miracles. But I also know that some things can't be stopped by the average person and this one is way out of our pay grade! Sorry if I sound like a wet blanket.