The thought of war absolutely terrifies me, because the enemies we will fight this time have no compunction about using nuclear weapons, biological warfare, and whatever other dirty tricks they have up their sleeves. My oldest son served during the first Gulf War in the early '90s in the Marines and spent some time in Saudi Arabia.
However, I also support President Bush 100%, as well as the men and women who will fight this war. I sincerely wish former President Bush would have finished the job he started in the first Gulf war and that Saddam were gone forever. But since he didn't, it is now up to his son to get the job done. Until it is done, none of us will be safe from terroristic threat.
I believe that delaying action pending the inspections reports is only giving Saddam more time to hide his weapons, which I do truly believe exist, and he is playing a cat and mouse game with them, moving and hiding them by deceptive measures. His people are lying about their existence, because he holds their families' safety as retribution for betrayal.
I pray to God that this war will be a short one, and that we will be victorious without loss of any of our troops. But war in inevitable, either now or later. I would rather fight an offensive war than a defensive one, here in the States.