Originally posted by Micki:

Off my soapbox now, and have my flame-proof suit on, so firer away....


Even if I disagreed with you one hundred percent -- which, by the way, I don't -- I would still defend your right to say it -- afterall -- that's what our young men and women are willing to go to Iraq and fight for -- our freedom of speech.

I am of the Viet Nam era -- I married a friend of mine shortly after he returned and being there took his soul. He was still searching for it at the time of his violent death 3 yrs later. My hope is that if we decide to go to war -- let's kick butt and get our military folk home before we lose more than just the "war" again.

And, perhaps we should consider bringing all our people home from all over the world - throw out the trash and close our borders to the rest of the world. Yes, I know that's what America is all about -- the melting pot of the world -- but, the "times are a changin'" -- once again -- maybe its time to take care of our own.

All I can do is pray that the powers to be have a very strong survival instinct and we will find a peaceful solution to eliminating the madmen of the world -- because we all have so much to lose if we don't.