Hi - I was asked to introduce myself, so ....

I'm Kim, I'm 33, married 10 years in April, 2 beautiful little girls (and two midterm losses in heaven), a dog and two cats. I'm a mix of Italian, Irish, German, and Native American. I was just confirmed Catholic, I'm an only child, my father is a Lutheran pastor, and my mother died suddenly in 1996 (that shaped who I've become).

I have three families - my mother's family, my husband's family, and my stepmother's family.

I've been working from home for 7 years to be with my children. I am a freelance editor, designer, writer and typesetter, and I do just about "everything". I've been working freelance with a local print shop for 7 years, but I work with many different people as needed. I've worked with churches, synagogues, and non-profit groups, a motorcycle club, a taxidermy company, and others. I've also written freelance commentaries for the Philadelphia Inquirer, and other newspapers. I also do consultation work on various projects and designs.

I'm not sure what else to say about myself. I tend to be quiet but I'll speak up sometimes. I'm rather traditional and old-fashioned about many things.

I learned about this group from an Italian American forum that I am part of ... the moderator suggested it to me.

[ February 16, 2006, 10:34 AM: Message edited by: mamakim ]