I agree that none of us can likely say what we would do in any specific situation that has to do with death.

But I think it is something we need to discuss with our families and significant others. Otherwise when the time comes that the docs ask us what our loved ones would want us to do on their behalf -- we don't know what to say.

I recall this happening when Steve's mother was dying. The docs asked what her children would want them to do if she had another heart attack -- considering that she was non-responsive and comatose -- and no one wanted to be the one to say "DNR." Because they felt that would be them signing her death warrant.

I certainly didn't think it was humane to try to shock her heart again if that were to happen. But I was not one of her children, and had only been married to Steve for a few months at that time. I didn't think the decision was mine to make.

So no one made the decision, she had another heart attack and we all knew what was happening when we heard the hospital PA system announce "Code Blue."

Boomer in Chief of Boomer Women Speak and the National Association of Baby Boomer Women.