Of course you absolutely have to watch the original "Miracle on 34th Street" and "It's a Wonderful Life," but I was glad to see from Ellemm that we aren't the only family that watches "Ernest Saves Christmas" every year! We love that movie - it is silly and sweet and has a fantastic Santa Claus in it! I once had a single guy friend (he's now happily married!) who said that he had a few questions he asked women when he dated them. One was, "Do you like 'Ernest Saves Christmas'?" If she said "No" then he didn't asked her out again! Ha!
Marsha Roberts
Author of "Confessions of an Instinctively Mutinous Baby Boomer"
website: www.MutinousBabyBoomer.com
Blog: http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/6037984.Marsha_Roberts/blog