We have a movie we watch every year that's kind of crazy (This wouldn't help jabber at all because it has nothing to do with Christmas).

It's Tremors, a B-level monster/comedy film that must be at least 20 years old. It stars Kevin Bacon and Reba McIntyre, among others, and really isn't bad. It's about these giant worm-like things out in the Arizona desert and these two guys who wind up in the town helping to save people.

It's not gory, it's not gross, it's just kind of silly. We must have watched it between Christmas and New Year's one year, liked it, and now it feels like a holiday movie. So silly! And we watch Ernest Saves Christmas for a more Christmassy movie because it really is very sweet.

I know: we're nuts, but those movies are old friends and put us in the mood. I watch almost no television so have no idea what's on.