I had the distinct honor and privilege of entertaining American troops, their families and veterans for over 15 on military bases all over the world. I lived in billeting along side them and I was "adopted" into their military family. So I can say from experience that we are blessed to the nth degree to have so many wonderful people who are willing to dedicate their lives to preserving our freedoms here in America. Don't forget to tell the veterans in your life how much you appreciate their service to our country. And, the next time you see someone in uniform, put your hand out and say "Thank you for serving your country. We appreciate you." You won't believe how much it will mean to them. Trust me on this one.
Marsha Roberts
Author of "Confessions of an Instinctively Mutinous Baby Boomer"
website: www.MutinousBabyBoomer.com
Blog: http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/6037984.Marsha_Roberts/blog