Good question, and I love all the answers!

At the moment, Steve and I have no plans, other than to stay home and relax. I generally buy a few extra special food items, and we make ourselves a bit of a buffet out of them. So far I think we have a partial box of Nancy's (brand) mini quiches in the freezer, so they will be on the menu. Maybe I'll buy some shrimp, too.

We're only just returned from our Christmas visit to Wisconsin, and my Dad sent some leftover ham with us. So - as much as I am not a fan of ham - Steve likes it. So I'll probably try to incorporate it into one of the dishes I serve.

We usually play games and listen to music, and tune in the TV in time to watch the ball drop at Times Square. Nothing too exciting for us! Sometimes we have friends over, sometimes we just keep to ourselves. So far no one is invited, but that could change.

Like many of you, getting our sleep has become most important. But we will likely stay up to see the New Year in on Central Time -- we'll just sleep in a bit the next morning.
Boomer in Chief of Boomer Women Speak and the National Association of Baby Boomer Women.