50 somethings...have a way of becoming 60 somethings.

I am content with my age born 1946...so one of the Boomer firsts.
I have said before in this forum that I feel I have had my turn of many of the joys of life...and like the seasons...everything has its turn.

I do miss being as able due to arthritis...but have developed strategies..I have order in my home and accept help from my family with heavy tasks....My garden is my hobby and a friend is paid to do the heavy headges and tree work.This way I continue to grow flowers.He is a professional and I have gained from his knowledge.

I aim by using holistic care to do the best for my heath.Therfor in fact in many ways cope better than several friends.I seek out new challenges visit favourite places and have many visitors.

A comfortable home family and friends enjoying a good author and sharing a meal...I have everything I desire.