To Christina Green:
Sleep newest Angel of heaven. Rest in the arms of Jesus. Our loss is heaven's gain but you did not depart without leaving your footprints on our heart. We now know of the dreams for the life you will never have and your child-like optimism for a better democracy shame those of us who needed a lesson in civility. I keep thinking of Isiah 11:6....'and a little child shall lead them.' You have touched this country's conscience with your hope for a better world in which to live, in a country that has become far too angry with itself. We have stopped listening. We have stopped being considerate. We think only of ourselves. Your silenced voice has been heard throughout the world and this nation. Let us speak gently to one another the way you would want us to, while mending the wounds we have created with words of criticism, hatred and ignorance. God bless you, dearest Christina...and all those who joined you and may you continue to touch our hearts and be a reminder that with every life there is hope and with every death there is direction. Sleep well littlest Angel.
"They will be able to say that she stood in the storm and when the wind did not blow her away....and surely it has not.....she adjusted her sails" - Elizabeth Edwards