Chatty, I don't know where you found this information, but it isn't true.

The local Sheriff's office did not offer protection to Gabby; there were not several threats but one or two. Her office was vandalized right after she voted for the health care bill last March.

He did not write letters or call her office. He attended one of her 'Congress on Your Corner' meetings 3 years ago and she sent a letter to him thanking him for attending. He had written some weird things on an envelope found in a safe at the family home.

The only thing found in the back yard, supposedly, was a weird shrine holding a replica miniature skull, some candles, and other stuff.

His parents did not barricade themselves against the FBI; there was a large piece of wood put up to try to keep out the media.

The bill that was passed in the Arizona legislature today is to prevent anyone from picketing a funeral; Fred Phelps and his 'church' are planning on being here at each of the funerals. The law now says that any picketing/protesting must be 300 feet from the property line of any place holding a funeral or burial for one hour before, during, and one hour after the funeral or burial.

I agree incidents like this shouldn't be made a political issue, but it is. Hopefully, regardless of Loughner's motivation, the political climate will become more civil and all this gun imagery will go away.
Well-behaved women rarely make history. - Laurel Thatcher Ulrich